RingByName, a company that may not be familiar to many users out there, just made a big new move in the Malaysian telecom market, as it recently inked a new agreement with Telekom Malaysia (News – Alert). The agreement calls for RingByName to offer its services in the VADS Marketplace, a complete cloud services marketplace that will offer up an array of services for users in the region.

The marketplace already contains some of the biggest names in cloud services, including Office365 and Skype (News – Alert), but with RingByName also in place, users will get access to that much more capability in the field. With these services on hand, users will be able to step up infrastructure currently in place by adding cloud services that offer new options for users. Since RingByName is perhaps best known for its communications platform—which at last report already has several hundred thousand users to its credit—RingByName should be a welcome addition to the lineup.


Kooi Lim, who serves as RingByName’s CEO, commented, “We are pleased to partner with Telekom Malaysia on this important initiative. Our services have been in demand from small businesses throughout the world. We believe they will be equally valuable for Malaysian and other regional businesses that want to use sophisticated technology to communicate better and reach revenue goals.”

The marketplace looks like it will have a fine slate of cloud services, if not necessarily anything particularly new in certain places. Having a one-stop shopping destination for these services, however, should prove welcome for users in the region who may not have had access to such services before. That doesn’t make these any less useful, and with all of these in one place, Telekom Malaysia has likely poised itself to be a big wheel in the virtual office and cloud services market. Granted, the Malaysian cloud services market may not be a particularly big pie on its own, but having a large piece of a small pie is just about as good as a small slice of a large pie.

“We are pleased to partner with Telekom

Malaysia on this important initiative.
Our services have been in demand from
small businesses throughout the world”.    ~ Kooi Lim CEO

It’s likely that Telekom Malaysia will come out of this as a very large fish in a comparatively small pond, and that should be good news for the company so clearly eager to advance virtual office concepts in a region that may not have had too much access to these previously. With services like RingByName’s on its side, it should be even more attractive in the field.

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